Opportunity knocks for law firms. Part 3

Opoortunity Knocks For Law Firms 03

Opportunity knocks for law firms. Part 3. Evidence

27 April 2021

In the third part of our 'Opportunity knocks for law firms' series, we tackle the thorny issue of evidence or substantive content as it's otherwise known.

In a sector obsessed with evidence, there’s a surprising lack of evidence on the majority of law firm websites. The endless client alerts are fine, but they give your firm little or no stand out from your competitors.

Let’s start with case studies. In any other sector, demonstrating what you’ve done for other clients is a given. However, in the legal sector only 17% of firms have case studies (according to our data in the Living Ratings of law firms 2021). And we know you have them, hidden away in pitches and proposals.

So work with the partnership and your business development teams to develop a series of client stories that can be published externally. These can be redacted or made generic for confidentially reasons, but still the story can shine through – the challenge, the solution and most importantly, the result.

This content, along with the thought leadership, whether they are opinion pieces, newsletters, reports, blogs, podcast or videos, then becomes a crucial part of an evidence-based content strategy. In short, content that helps define why your law firm is better than the next.

Duncan Shaw, Co-Founder and Executive Creative Director, Living Group

This article was first published in the Living Ratings of law firms 2021.

Thanks you for reading
If you would like to know more about how we can create the evidence to support your brand, please contact Duncan Shaw in New York , Greg Hobden in London or Gigi Yung in Hong Kong.